


Toowong State School follows the Australian Currciulum for the learning areas of English, Maths, Science, HASS, Arts, HPE, Technology and Languages.

The fundamental goal of teaching is to develop independent, self-directed, lifelong learners. Learners should then possess and utilise:   

  • a wide knowledge and creativity
  • deep understandings and higher-order thinking
  • good articulation and communication skills
  • reflective and self-directed learning
  • active investigation and problem-solving skills                               
  • an ability to work cooperatively in our interdependent world.

It should enable children to:

  • adapt to changing conditions
  • seek and process information
  • communicate effectively
  • be willing to accept responsibility
  • be aware of the benefits of good health
  • show intrinsic motivation and positive learning attitudes
  • develop an inquiring mind
  • have a smooth transition into further education.

Research shows that young people learn best in an atmosphere of care and concern where they are empowered to experience success. They must be guided to develop the confidence to express themselves and actively participate in the education process. Educators strive to prepare stimulating and exciting programs where students can engage with concepts in a meaningful way. Teachers continuously evaluate the progress of each student and maintain a classroom environment thatn is highly motivating. Parents are encouraged to have input into processes and be supportive of the school and teachers. We value a positive partnership between home and school. 

Learning support

Our ‘Whole School Approach’ supports learning for all students. Our committed team are dedicated to improving literacy and numeracy across all year levels.

We provide:

  • A Transition to School Program for pre-prep children
  • An Oracy Program for students with English as an additional language or dialect (EAL/D)
  • Early Intervention Programs – Literacy, Phonological Awareness
  • Reading, Writing and Numeracy Intervention and Extension Programs
  • Individualised programs
  • A writing engagement program for disengaged students.

Extension programs

Our extension programs offer opportunities for students who are displaying outstanding performance in English and Maths to foster their talents. Involvement in these groups is determined on the basis of teacher judgements, standardised testing, classroom evidence and demonstrated creativity. Nominated students take part in small group activities, once per week for 30-45 minutes. Program participation is regularly reviewed and movement in and out of the programs is fluid. Students are reviewed each semester to determine if they will continue. Group activities are designed to complement regular class activities.

Writing groups provide students the opportunity to experiment with different forms of writing, for a variety of audiences. Lessons support curriculum outcomes and extend students’ knowledge of language and literature, while encouraging creative responses.

Students in Years P-5 are also extended in Mathematical concepts by working with complex, abstract problems during regular Maths classes. Senior students take part in an extension program leading to possible participation in local and national competitions. In these sessions, students focus on advanced problem-solving tasks.

Class music

The school has a complete Music Program that spans all grade levels. It is derived from the new outcomes-based P-10 Art Syllabus, which incorporates Kodaly, Dalcroze and other internationally acknowledged methodologies, aiming at excellence in student participation and fostering a lifelong enjoyment of music. We have a singing choir and an Auslan signing choir. Our attention to music is one of the priorities of Toowong State School. 


Our students learn Auslan (Australian sign language) from Prep - Year 6 (first language and second language user). Years 5 and 6 students also learn Spanish.

ICT (Information and Communication Technologies)

Toowong State School incorporates Information and Communcation Technologies into everyday learning. To support learning in ICT, the school has:

  • two laptop trolleys with 28 laptops each 
  • small sets of iPads for use in junior school
  • an additional set of 10 iPads for use in the middle school and in Learning Support
  • 4 iPads designated for use in bilingual classrooms

Last reviewed 01 November 2023
Last updated 01 November 2023