Toowong is a beautiful historic school tucked away on a quiet suburban hill. Commanding a magnificent view of the city, it is a place where the process of education can be carried on without many of the distractions of larger city schools.
The continual care, upgrading, and maintenance of the school gardens and surrounds creates a neat, welcoming, and relaxed appearance. School grounds are comfortably spacious and contain a netball court and playing fields. We also offer two adventure playgrounds alongside an environmental area containing native trees and bushes.
Toowong State School provides a quality educational experience for students from Prep to Year 6. We pride ourselves on our inclusivity, positivity and ability to assist children to reach their full potential. Achievement and participation are acknowledged through individual awards and recognitions, group awards, and school assemblies.
Our student population is diverse and culturally rich. The family and community nature of the school environment is collectively supported and encouraged by staff and parents.
Parent and community members create a valuable team of volunteers that provide enrichment to the educative processes in our school.
Students are actively encouraged to participate in decision-making and to share ideas and issues through the student leaders program, and through class meetings.